Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Multiple Orgasms

What is a Multiple Orgasm?

Multiple orgasms are a series of sequential orgasmic experiences that occur in quick succession. And when it comes to multiples, women have the biological upper hand over men. This is because unlike men, women do not experience a refractory period (the period of time after men ejaculate when they can't be aroused). So women can and do respond to stimulation immediately after orgasm.
Men are also capable of multiple orgasms, however for men, exercises using the PC muscles along with breathing to separate orgasm from ejaculation are needed. The refractory period only applies to ejaculation. If a man can use the PC muscles to prevent ejaculation, then he can continue stimulation to reach the point over and over without the refractory period.

Here are some general guidelines for Women who seek Multiple Orgasms:
Multiple Orgasms1. Create a welcoming atmosphere, both on the inside and in your surroundings. Being comfortable within your body, accepting yourself the way you are, and knowing that you are loved is paramount. This is followed by creating an outer environment where you can feel relaxed. In order to surrender in the moment, one must feel comfortable and safe.

2. Learn about your body. You have to crawl before you walk; you have to have one orgasm before you can have multiple orgasms. Spend some time with yourself, getting to know what feels good. This is the essential foundation to sexual response.
3. Practice. It takes practice to achieve multiple orgasms. In many ways it is like learning to have your first orgasm all over again. Immerse yourself in fantasy, or do whatever it takes to get aroused.
4. Slow down, and use lots of foreplay, especially foreplay that focuses on clitoral stimulation along with breathing.
5. Get some rest beforehand. Often, experiencing multiples is limited by your lack of sleep. After one orgasm, many women feel relaxed. So relaxed, that they may want to drift off to sleep. But if you are well rested, you can resist that sleep temptation, and work for another orgasm, and another, and another.
6. After the first orgasm, the orgasms come easier. It might take 10 to 15 minutes to reach your first orgasm, but your second can occur in a couple minutes or even a few seconds, and your third shortly thereafter. Keep going as long as you are enjoying yourself.
7. Have fun. There is no right or wrong. Only you can set the limit as to how far and long you’d like to go. The “take home” lesson is that multiple orgasms do sound appealing, however even a single mindful orgasm has the power to free the body. 

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